Maintaining the freshness of your food item before it reaches the customer’s house is the number one priority of all pizzeria owners. There are so many ways in which you can make it possible for pizza to remain warm and fresh, including avoiding cross-contamination and reduction of delivery time.
While all of these are very effective and prove to be of help all the time, one most important thing is the custom cardboard boxes in which the pizzas are kept. Storage of pizza is what matters the most, if you cannot ensure the safety of your food product within the packaging then what is the whole point anyway?
So here are 7 interesting pizza boxes that not only preserve the freshness of your pizza but also help in promoting your business:
Square boxes with logo on top
Many packaging companies let you make custom pizza boxes with a large logo printed on the centre to increase their visibility. If you are a small pizzeria, this is something that would be extremely preferable for you whilst keeping the pizza safe and hot.
Square boxes with big display windows
Who wouldn’t want to look at their yummy food before devouring it? Making display windows is another marketing tactic that all brand owners need to know about. How many times has it happened that you look at a food packaging and just cannot wait to go home, get comfortable and start munching on it?
Pizza Boxes Shaped Circular
The mainstream pizza box is usually a square one, but if you want to go unique, you can ask your packaging company to make round pizza boxes that fit the size of your pizza. This will give a hint of creative touch.
Plain Boxes
If you are the owner of a pizzeria and do not wish to take any risks for the packaging, go for the plain old pizza boxes. They are square and have beautiful printing on top. What can be done, however, is to carefully select the printing to make it a bit different than the ones in the market. There is nothing wrong with going for an old-school design.
Slice Boxes
If someone wishes to eat just one slice of pizza, it is your duty as an owner to make sure that you deliver up to the needs. So, for a smaller quantity, you can go for small slice boxes to ensure creativity and customer satisfaction.
Ventilation at its best
Preserving the freshness can be done by having your packaging company make you pizza boxes that allow ventilation. This is a very smart way to control the temperature of the pizza and make sure that it does not go stale even if kept for a longer period.
Deep Dish Packaging
Another thing you can do is to add a little bit of height to your packaging to preserve the deep dish pizzas and not ruin their shape before they reach the customer.